British Values

There are many ways in which we promote the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs at St. Michael’s Infant School. As a multicultural and multifaith community, we prefer to use the term ‘celebration’ rather than ‘tolerance’ with respect to different faiths and beliefs.


How it is Promoted



Links to school Christian value of truthfulness

  • Class charters at the beginning of the school year
  • Pupil Leadership teams
  • Values Awards – weekly nominations and voting in each class, celebrated in assembly
  • Storytime book voting
  • Parents’ Forum
  • Parents' questionnaire
  • Pupil conferencing
  • Team games and working with others
  • Learning about civil rights within the History curriculum
  • PSHE curriculum

Rule of Law


Links to school Christian values of truthfulness and forgiveness

  • School rules
  • Behaviour policy
  • Celebration of positive behaviour using the rainbow
  • Tiered system of response to children who are not following the school rules
  • Explanations about why rules are necessary
  • High expectations of behaviour
  • Visits from the PCSOs
  • Helping children to recognise the difference between right and wrong
  • Language of good and bad choices
  • Respecting the property of other children and the school
  • Supporting children to understand that our behaviours affect others, so rules are needed to protect people
  • E-safety
  • PSHE curriculum

Individual Liberty


Links to school Christian values of truthfulness, forgiveness, perseverance and creativity

  • School rules
  • Pupil leadership opportunities
  • Recognition of pupils' sporting achievements outside school
  • Extra-curricular opportunities for children to follow individual interests
  • Circle time discussions
  • Teaching children that everyone has rights
  • Learning about different groups that they belong to and the roles of different people
  • Celebrating individual responses in art, music, drama and story
  • Developing children's awareness of their own needs
  • Helping children to consider the consequences of their words and actions on others (good and bad choices)
  • Learning about civil rights within the History curriculum
  • PSHE curriculum

Mutual Respect and Celebration of those with different beliefs


Links to school Christian values of love and friendship

  • Answering the register in different languages
  • Celebrating different languages spoken by children and parents - dual language stories, rhymes and signs
  • Our RE syllabus ‘Living Difference IV’ promotes respect for different faiths and understanding of the plurality of Christian and Hindu traditions
  • Participation in multicultural community activities e.g. Victoria Day
  • Celebration of and learning about different faiths within our school community (e.g. children talking about festivals celebrated using photographs shared by parents on Tapestry)
  • Encouraging children to bring in cultural artefacts and clothes from home as part of the R.E. curriculum
  • The diversity of our school community is reflected across the curriculum e.g. in the music, art and historical figures studied, in the texts, images and resources used
  • Diversity and Inclusion working party 
  • Staff undergoing training to work towards the EMTAS bronze award