“Governance should be driven by inquisitive, independent minds and through conversations focussed on the key strategic issues which are conducted with humility, good judgement, resilience and determination.”

Governance Handbook, 2020


Our Role


The role of the Governing Board is to be ambitious for all children to achieve the best possible outcomes through a passion for education and a commitment to continuous school improvement.   The Board achieves this by:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.


To be effective the Governing Board requires six key features:


  1. Strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy
  2. Accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance
  3. People with the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity
  4. Structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities
  5. Compliance with statutory and contractual requirements
  6. Evaluation to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance


At St Michaels CE [Controlled] Infant School we achieve this through a team of people who work together with the leadership team to continually evaluate the strengths of the school and identify areas for development.




Our Responsibilities


At St Michaels CE [Controlled] Infant School we operate a flat structure where all Governors are held accountable for ensuring the school is performing well and meeting its strategic educational aims and objectives.   To ensure that this is robust and achievable Governors hold individual roles and responsibilities.  This allows the Board to effectively monitor school performance and the progress it is making towards achieving improvement priorities.  All Governors are therefore expected to be able to contribute to Board meetings, submit reports and validate evidence.  





Dot Patton


Leading self-evaluation and school improvement and reporting to the Governing Body on school performance

Miriam Thorley

Deputy Head

Assisting the Headteacher in the leadership of the school, including reporting to the Governing Body on curriculum and assessment

Sue Tadman

FGB Chair


Pay and Performance Chair


Leading the Governing Body and monitoring the quality of education in the school and holding leaders to account

Ensuring Performance Management and Pay decisions are robust and in line with agreed policy and process

Catherine Macdonald



Pupil Premium

Making sure that pupils with additional special educational needs or disability are having their needs met in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice, SEND policy and Report

Monitoring how the school supports pupils from families with low income or are from the Armed Services

Stephen Corcoran


Ensuring that the school understands the needs of pupils and families with protected characteristics or may have barriers to accessing education, for example where English in not the first language spoken or understood

Alwyn Pereira


Christian distinctiveness

Supporting the well-being of the school community and making sure that the school upholds its Christian values

Darren Cornwall

Health and Safety


Designated Training Governor

Ensuring all Health and Safety policies and procedures are in place and being correctly implemented to keep children and adults safe at school

Responsibility for auditing the skillset of the Governing Body to ensure a breadth of skill and organising whole board training to build knowledge and capacity

Stewart Carter (Appointed 11th June 2024) TBA  


Monitoring and Reporting


The Governing Board meets as a full governor body [FGB] at least 8 times each academic year, spread over each term.  The Board also uses a Working Party model to support additional priorities or foci that the school may have.  Governors undertake monitoring visits each term in accordance with their individual role and responsibility and the key improvement priorities of the school.  Governors are expected to report to the FGB in accordance with the Board’s annual monitoring schedule. 


Skills and Training


The Governing Board is committed to ensuring that it has the appropriate skills and knowledge to effectively fulfil its role and obligations.  We achieve this through regularly reviewing and auditing the skills held by Governors against the competency framework for effective Governance and the context and priorities of the school.   This enables us to be proactive in seeking appointments to the Board and ensuring both individual and collective Governor training meets the needs of the school.  All Governors are expected to take up training and development opportunities relevant to their individual role and the Designated Training Governor organises annual whole board training in response to Governor self-evaluation and school improvement priorities.


Governor Review and Self-Evaluation


It is important that the Governing Body reviews and evaluates its performance and contribution to the overall effectiveness of the school.  This includes working with school leaders to glean the views of parents, staff and pupils.  The Governing Body aims to achieve this annually and uses the outcomes to improve our own as well as the school performance.



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