PE Premium

Physical Education is an integral part of life at St Michael’s Infant School. Children are naturally full of energy and we aim to take this and develop it to give them a life-long love of being physical and living a healthy lifestyle.

What is Sports Premium?

In April 2013 the Government announced new funding for PE and sports provision in schools, all school receive a sum of money annually in order to improve PE and Sport within the school. There are criteria set as to how this money can be spent- one of the main points is that the funding has an impact on all children that attend the school, and this impact is lasting for future pupils.

How has the funding previously been spent?

Evaluation of children's needs indicated that many children start school lacking in upper body and core strength, so improving this, as well as general stamina, has been the priority. Over the previous years we have used the funding in a variety of ways such as installing new playground equipment, purchase new games and gymnastics equipment, staff training, bikeability scheme, daily mile and healthy activity weeks.

PE Premium Spending 2023-2024 

PE Premium Spending 2022-2023

Total amount carried forward from 2021-22: £828.14

Total amount for academic year 2022-23: £17,760

Total: £18,588.14

Key Indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity


Funding Allocation


Outdoor learning resources- children have the opportunity to be physically active throughout the school day including at playtime.



Continue with daily mile






Children have a range of equipment to play with at playtime including balls, bouncy hoppers, hoops, skipping ropes. Resources have been chosen to help gross motor development e.g: scooters and balancing objects.

Children have had access to a range of equipment in PE lessons and this has ensured that PE equipment is in good working order.

The children are having over 30 minutes of physical activity per day including at playtime during the daily mile


Key Priority 2: The profile of physical education has been raised across the school as a tool for school improvement: not a focus in academic year 2022-23

Key Priority 3: Increased knowledge and confidence of staff


Funding Allocation


PE conference and PE leader time for PE leader.


Part of the PE conference was about the use of the PE premium and how to plan strategically for this. This helped the PE lead to consider the planned spend for the academic year 2023-24.


Key priority 4: Broader experience of a range of sports: this was not a focus for the academic year 2022-23 and will be a focus for the academic year 2023-24.

Key priority 5: Increased participation in competitive sport. This will be a focus for academic year 2023-24.

Total Carry forward for 2023-24: £15,283.86

Key Priorities and Planning

Carry forward from 2022-23: £15,283,86

PE Premium for 2023-24: £18,291

Total: £33,574.86

CPD for teaching staff so that they observe PE teaching of games and gymnastics and develop confidence in teaching these subjects. Teaching staff to observe M Sport Active teacher.


PE lead to attend Hampshire PE conference and time out of class for new PE leader to carry out pupil conferencing etc.


Develop children’s skills at playtime with skipping and learning to skip

Provide opportunities for children in Key Stage 1 and EYFS to try new sporting experiences.



To work with another school in Aldershot to participate in competitive sports







Class teachers increase confidence with the teaching of games and gymnastics



Children are able to carry out skipping and use the rope effectively and keep active and fit.


Introduce a sports award to be given for great sportsmanship e.g: showing resilience, working as part of a team

Hockey and tennis coaching to be arranged.

Balance bike sessions to be put in place.

Children have opportunities to take part in competitive athletics (for example)

Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport








Key indicator 2: The profile of Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils




Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport






Staff are able to confidently teach gymnastics and games









Children will be able to continue using their skipping skills








Children have an enjoyment for new sports



The school starts a tradition of competing in competitive sports and this continues year on year.

£11,000 for all teaching staff to undertake training, including job share staff.




















PE leader time to organize   this: £300


PE Premium Spending 2021-2022





Link to 6 key indicators



Year R Balance & Ride  Scheme


This scheme teaches the year R children how to ride a bike and is something that has been carried out in school for a few years now.

The impact of this has been on developing children’s gross motor movements and balance.



Balance bikes and scooters

These bikes will be used by children with specific physical needs and were purchased by the SENCO. They will allow children with gross motor/ balance needs to use them in a safe environment.

The impact of this has been on developing children’s gross motor movements and balance.

1, 4


INSET day dance Training

The subject leader spent the morning with a member of the HANTS PE team looking at the PE overviews, assessment, progression of skills and PE statement. The afternoon was spent on a practical staff dance training session as this is an area that we are focusing on.

This has helped to support staff understanding and confidence when teaching dance and developing the children’s skills.

2, 3,


Forest School initial site visit and planning.

We are hoping to develop our outside area to allow for either Forest School or Outdoor Learning Provision. Staff from Busstop pre-school forest school visited the site to advise on how this could be achieved.

The impact has been on the planning of the outdoor area so that children are learning actively outside.

1, 4,6


Replacement gym equipment

1 mat and 2 benches needed to be replaced to allow for whole class gymnastics teaching . Impact on development of skills during gymnastic sessions using safe resources.



Fencing for outdoor area and shelters

As part of our outdoor learning provision we are creating a fenced off area that will form the outdoor classroom. Fencing the area off will prevent younger siblings using the area before and after school and will ensure that our children have a safe area to work. The area will also have a small shelter for a small group of children to work/play in, and a larger structure that will accommodate a whole class. This area will be used for children to actively learn (cross-curricular) which will be especially important for year 2 who do not have any access to an outside area other than playtimes. The impact of the outdoor area is on children’s ability to learn actively outside so that they are keeping fit and being healthy.

1, 4, 6


PE scheme of work- 3 years

Purchasing a scheme of work ensures that we have detailed planning available for all staff. It will also ensure that there is progression across each of the taught areas of PE. The impact of this has been that there is a clear progression of skills and knowledge across all areas of PE.

1, 2, 3

Guidance on How to Spend the Premium

There are 6 key indicators, the improvement of which are the areas on which the PE and Sport Premium has to be spent:

Key Indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school.

Key Indicator 2: The profile of PE and Sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.

Key Indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and Sport

Key Indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.

Key Indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport 

Key Indicator 6: Increase general health of all children in school