At all times we endeavour to maintain a healthy and safe environment for your child to live and learn in. We recognise the importance of good pastoral care, and also the issues of security. Our staff are able to manage minor accidents and illnesses and we will always contact you if we consider that your child is too unwell for lessons, or if there is something that is concerning us. We also have a member of staff appointed as Child Protection Officer. You can help us in these ways:

Contacting you in an emergency

Please ensure that the contact telephone number we have for you is current. Let us know immediately of any changes in writing.

Collecting your child from school

During the day your child may only be collected by you, or by a person named by you. This is to ensure your child’s safety. Any child not collected at the end of the school day will be supervised by the Headteacher or an appointed staff member.


We have set procedures in place to ensure the safety of children in the event of a fire or other threat to their security. There is controlled and authorised access to our building, and this is managed by the school reception desk. All visitors are asked to sign in and wear a security badge in order to identify themselves.