We plan our curriculum very carefully to ensure that activities can be accessed at different levels in order to cater for varying levels of skills and understanding. From time to time some children need extra help in one way or another. Most children can be catered for by the teacher differentiating class work so that is appropriate for each child’s level of understanding and skills. If a child is identified as needing more assistance than can be provided within the differentiated class groupings, his/her name is placed on the Special Educational Needs Register. The class teacher writes an Individual Education Plan which details the child’s strengths and weaknesses and a programme is then drawn up to ensure that any gaps in knowledge, skills and understanding are addressed by very specific teaching. This Individual Education Plan will be shared with parents. The Special Educational Needs Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) will arrange for extra help outside the classroom given by one of our Special Needs Assistants if she feels this is necessary. Our SEND policy may be found here.