Sending your child to school

Sometimes it can be difficult to decide whether or not your child is well enough to come into school. Many children cope well with the school day with a cough or cold, so if you are not sure it is often best to send them in to school. We will phone you if we are concerned. The exception to this is sickness or diarrhoea when children must be kept at home for 48 hours after symptoms subside. Certain contagious illness, such as chickenpox, will also prevent your children from coming to school. If in doubt, contact the school office.

If children are injured (a broken arm for example) we will always be guided by the advice from the medical professionals involved as to whether it is appropriate for them to be in school. Once children are free of pain, we can usually make amendments to their school day, such as staying inside for PE or playtime, which will enable them to return. Parents should contact us to discuss this before the child returns to school.

Contacting the school about a sick child

If your child is unable to come to school due to illness, please telephone the school office on 01252 324300 and leave a message on the answerphone. Alternatively you can use the following link to report the absence on-line absence-reporting

Injuries or sickness during school

If your child becomes unwell or is injured during school, we have trained staff to look after him or her. If necessary, we will contact you so that he/she may be collected from school. It is therefore very important that we have up to date contact details for parents or any other adults who may collect in an emergency.