Proud Clouds

As a school we are aware that not all learning takes place in school so we have introduced ‘Proud Clouds’ which parents can fill in to inform us about children’s achievements outside school.

What can I write about?

Examples of achievements you might like to tell us about include:

  • A child catching a ball five times in a row for the first time
  • A child learning to ride a bike without stabilisers or learning to swim
  • An outside achievement such as being in a dance club production or doing a show
  • Being brave with an injury
  • Helping with chores at home
  • Sounding out and reading words on food packaging or signs in the environment

How do I fill in a proud cloud?

You can either collect a blank form from the carousel (just inside the front door) or you can print one off from here /files/documents/Proud_Cloud_Template.docx

All we need is a sentence to explain briefly why you are pleased with your child, your signature and the date. Send a cloud back to the school with your child.

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